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Imagine a modern marvel of machinery. A steel giant that slices through the ocean. An icon of strength, freedom, and patriotism. The fascination with warships transcends nations and generations. The model ships that I produce are a tribute to their majesty.

Revell S-boat 1/72nd scale      Revell S-boat 1/72nd scale

Revell S-boat 1/72nd scale      Revell S-boat 1/72nd scale

HMS Liverpool 1/700th scale       HMS Liverpool 1/700th scale

HMS Liverpool 1/700th scale      HMS Liverpool 1/700th scale

USS Hornet 1/700th scale       USS Hornet 1/700th scale

USS Hornet 1/700th scale      USS Hornet 1/700th scale

USS Massachusetts 1/350th scale      USS Massachusetts 1/350th scale

USS Massachusetts 1/350th scale      USS Massachusetts 1/350th scale





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Last modified: December 27, 2001